chads vs scammers

Have you ever been rugged?

Well, it is a jungle out there son of a bitch, so how about you rug your friends or get rugged in a play to earn instead? Mint a player, but watch out for scammers, they have 10% chance of stealing your mint !
If it is not stolen, good for you, you have 90% chance to mint a Chad and 10% to mint a Scammer.
Good luck.


stake => earn 2500 $BAT
claim => get back 80% of your rewards, 20% go to SCAMMERS
unstake => 50% chance to lose your rewards (that go to SCAMMERS)


stake => earn a share of the 20% earned by all CHADS

claim => get all your earned rewards without risk

unstake => get all your rewards + your SCAMMERS NFT back